Loss Recovery Insurance provides you with the services of an expert loss adjuster, to help you prepare, negotiate and settle your eligible insurance claim(s) for material damage and business interruption claims, dependent upon the relevant sections of your commercial insurance policy being current at the time of loss.

The cover is for eligible claims within the terms and conditions of the policy, which are likely to exceed £5,000 or the policy excess, whichever is the greater value.

Features and Benefits

In summary, the LOREGA expert loss adjuster will;

  1. Provide the services for eligible claims under your commercial insurance policy likely to exceed £5,000 or the policy excess, whichever is the greater
  2. Provide initial telephone advice on all claims
  3. Provide personal visits on all qualifying claims
  4. Arrange interim payments from your insurers where necessary
  5. Attend meetings with insurers and handle all correspondence
  6. Organise temporary premises and equipment, surveyors, valuers and builders as required
  7. Prepare and present your claim to your insurers and negotiate the best possible settlement to which you are entitled

Features and Benefits

Loss Recovery Insurance excludes claims in respect of personal injury, liability, marine, aviation, motor, personal property or injury, subsidence, landslip or heave claims, uninsured losses, civil proceedings and any claim outside mainland UK.

Get In Touch With Us

At Milsom Insurance Brokers our team of experts are always available to provide you with a friendly, professional and efficient service. Whether it is to request a review of your current insurance, to discuss your existing policy, claims advice or for general information, please get in touch with us today.

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